Like many women, I enjoy shopping, eventhough I seldom buy anything (I window browse alot!Lol). But, from time to time, I get into a spree..Mind you though, I usually buy items on sale (call me stingy! Lol). I recently purchased these two items from Ebay and currently eyeing a pair of lace gloves. I threw away my old corset belt since it began to stretch and since I've started running again, I've dropped a dress size. Compare the old and new and tell me which is better :)
Love the corset-like belts and trench coats :) Pity it's too warm in North Queensland to rock them :( I don't particularly fancy the puffy outfits in this collection, except probably the purple below. The the hats! Do you think they will start a trend?
Good day people! I'm back after a 10 month hiatus! It's been very busy :) Finally finished uni, applied for jobs and finally, I'm working as a doctor at the beautiful city of Townsville. I did get to do some modelling work. Here's a photo of my shoot with Studio 504 :) Will put up more posts soon!
Aussie supermodel Miranda Kerr did a shoot for Numero recently and has come under fire! Some people deemed the photos too raunchy. I wouldn't know it was Miranda in the photos if it wasn't mentioned that it was her. Her blond hair totally threw me off! Well, back to the subject, I would say the nun photo was rather raunchy, but I quite liked the others. What do you think? Too sexy to be on print?
*Pictures taken from
Vad tycker ni? är Miranda Kerr för sexuell i de här bilder?
Jean Paul Gaultier has alot of variety in this collection. From the power lady look to the tribal look and forestry pieces.
I wear a suit jacket pretty much everywhere I go. It's winter now in Australia and it keeps me quite warm. A black suit jacket is mighty versatile! I wear it to placements in the hospital and over a pair of long jeans or shorts with stockings for the casual look. Love it! :)
I especially love the tribal outfits, especially the chunky bracelets. The forest pieces looks like something a forest fairy would wear :) Lovely!
Den här kollektion av Jean Paul Gaultier är mycket allsidig. Du kan se den 'power lady' looken, den stam looken och den skog fe looken. Ljuvlig! Jag gillar de stor armband och dräktjacka. Jag har på mig en dräktjacka alltid. Den är varm och allsidig - profesionell eller ledig, dräktjackan ser fin ut!